November 30

Signs That Your Tree Is Dying


Depending on weather conditions or insects, you may face the harsh reality that your tree is dying. If you discover the issue quickly, you can recover the tree. However, in many situations, it could be too late. Before your tree dies and you have to remove it from your property, learn the signs of what to look for in a dying tree.

The Tree Trunk

The tree trunk will provide many signs on the health of the tree. This includes vertical cracks, missing bark, and cankers or areas of dead bark. You can test the tree’s health by scratching the trunk. If the inner layer of the bark is brown, your tree is likely dead.

The Tree Branches

The tree branches can provide signs of the tree’s health also. Every tree has a time of the year that it should be losing its leaves. If the tree is losing its leaves off-season, it is a sign that the tree is dying. On another side of the spectrum, you may notice that the tree has many dead leaves but the branches are holding them. This is also a sign of a dying tree.

The Tree Roots

Tree roots should be healthy and strong to hold the tree into the ground. This is not the case with a dying tree. If your tree has developed a noticeable lean, the roots may be weak and the tree is dying. Additionally, on a dying tree, the roots could turn slimy or there will be small branches sprouting from the roots.

Fungus and Critters

Fungus and critters is never a good sign of a healthy tree. Large fungus can indicate that the tree is rotting inside. Bark beetles, carpenter ants, or insects could mean that the tree is being attacked.

If you see any of these signs on your trees, contact an experienced arborist. Beaver Tree Service provides arborist services in Medford, Beaverton, and Portland. We can help you determine the best route for the tree in question.


arborist, dead tree, emergency tree service, tree service

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