March 11

Signs That Your Tree Needs Pruning


Trees are beautiful on your property. They can provide shade, prevent erosion, and even increase property value. Because of this, we are resistant to tree pruning. However, if you let trees grow out of control, you could have a big problem for your property. Before you have an issue on your hands, know the signs that it is time to prune your tree. This article explains what to look for before your tree becomes a problem:

Wild and Untamed Branches

Watch for branches that reach your house or telephone wires. These branches may rub your home, creating expensive damage to your roof or siding.

Tree Cankers

Tree cankers are anywhere that the tree’s bark is missing or sunken. This is a sign that the tree is rotting and needs pruning.

Excessive Greenery

Excessive greenery is the most obvious reason for tree trimming. If you can not see through your tree, it should be trimmed. Full trees are more likely to suffer from costly wind damage, falling on your home or cars.

Broken Branches

Broken branches can be very hazardous for your property. Strong wind or snow may cause the branches to break completely. It is important to remove any broken branches before they remove themselves!

Deep Cracks

Deep cracks are a sign that your tree is rotting. If you have more than two deep cracks than you need to get the tree pruned. Waiting may lead to removing the tree completely.

Do any of your trees have these signs? Do not wait until you have a big problem on your hands! An expert tree pruner can remove any hazardous sections of the tree without damaging your property. Beavertree Service will service your trees in Beaverton, Portland, and Southern Oregon. Contact us for tree pruning and removal help.


pruning, tree pruning, tree service

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