August 22

Preventing Property Damage from Trees When a Storm Occurs


One of the most devastating things that can happen during a severe storm is significant tree damage. In addition to potentially causing harm to people and property, it can be costly and time-consuming to remove a damaged or fallen tree. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of tree damage during a storm. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips to help you prepare your trees for inclement weather and keep them safe.

Prevent Damage to Your Property with these Tree Tips

Trim Trees Regularly

One of the most effective ways to protect your trees from storm damage is to keep them well-maintained all year-round. This includes regular pruning and trimming, especially of weak branches and those that are growing too close to your home or power lines. Trimming away damaged limbs can also prevent them from falling and causing further damage during a storm. It’s best to hire a professional tree care service to handle this task, as they have the experience and equipment necessary to do it safely and properly.

Choose the Right Trees for Your Area

When selecting new trees to plant in your yard, it’s essential to choose species that are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions. This will ensure that they are healthy and strong enough to withstand storms and other weather events. Avoid planting trees in areas where they are likely to be exposed to high winds, such as near the coast or on hillsides, unless they are known to be wind-resistant species.

Secure Trees with Stakes and Support Systems

If you have newly-planted trees that are still growing, it’s a good idea to support them with stakes or other support systems until they are strong enough to stand on their own. This will prevent them from leaning over or falling during a storm. Be sure to use sturdy materials that won’t bend or break during high winds, and remove the supports as soon as the tree is strong enough to support itself.

Mulch Around Your Trees

Mulch can be a valuable tool in protecting your trees from storm damage. Applying a three to four-inch layer of mulch around the base of your trees can help retain moisture in the soil, provide insulation from extreme temperatures, and prevent soil erosion. This will keep the trees’ roots healthy and stable, making them less susceptible to falling during a storm.

Have Trees Inspected Regularly

Finally, it’s essential to have your trees inspected regularly by a professional tree care service. They can identify any potential problems before they become more significant issues and offer advice on how to maintain your trees’ health and safety. They may also recommend additional preventative measures, such as cabling and bracing, to protect your trees from severe weather.

Emergency Tree Service in Oregon

Keeping your trees healthy and safe is an essential part of maintaining your property. By following these tips, you can help prevent tree damage during a storm and protect your home and family. Remember, prevention is always better than reaction, so take action now and make sure your trees are prepared for whatever the weather brings. If you need help maintaining or protecting your trees, consider hiring a professional tree care service who can provide you with personalized advice and service.

Beaver Tree Service provides emergency tree service in Portland Metro and Medford, Oregon. Contact us today online or reach out to us by phone. Our number is Portland is (503) 773-2313. Our number in Medford is (503) 878-7491. 


emergency tree service, storm damage, tree service

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